I was wondering how I can make keeping this blog easier.
Currently, whenever I write a new post I spin up HFS for previewing, then edit a copy of a previous post. Typing an article in HTML is fine, but after that I need to also update the index pages to include the link to the new post. Also it would be nice to have at least some way to navigate the list of posts before it gets way too long.
Now it seems pretty obvious that I should just use a static site generator. Sane people will tell me to write my posts in markdown and generate the site with some tool, but it is too complicated to my taste.
With HTML I can get the exact expected output, including fonts and styles, without fiddling with markdown previews in text editors (if they have the feature). Each individual page should be fully functional by its own.
What I have in mind is a HTML-based workflow. I write a new post, and use a script to generate the front pages for me. Let's try and see if Lua with Penlight works.